
Configuring Login Screen

Operators can login using an I.D. number, and a PIN (if applicable). Enabling this feature will allow you to use Payroll functions, Chat functions, and Sales Tracking.


Enabling Operator Login Screen Globally
  1. Login to the Back Office.
  2. On the left menu, click "Settings", under "System", click "Settings".
  3. Select "Terminals" in the left sub-menu.
  4. Find "Require Login" and change to either Enabled or Disabled (see Figure A below).
  5. Press "Save Changes" to finalize changes made.
  6. The terminal must synchronize before the changes are discovered (see Figure B below).
Figure A

Cash Out screen showing "Customer Entitlement" option which will display the customers total loyalty points.

Figure B

Adjust Loyalty points on the Customer Profile screen by going to More > Loyalty.

Enabling Operator Login Screen On A Specific Terminal
  1. Login to the Back Office.
  2. On the left menu, click "Settings", then click "Terminals".
  3. On the "Action" drop-down menu, select "Edit" (see Figure C below).
  4. On the left sub-menu, click "Settings".
  5. Find "Require Login" and change to either Enabled or Disabled, or use Global Settings (default) (see Figure D below).
  6. Press "Save Changes" to finalize changes made.
  7. The terminal must synchronize before the changes are discovered (see Figure E below).
Figure C

Adjust Loyalty points on the Customer Profile screen by going to More > Loyalty.

Figure D

Adjust Loyalty points on the Customer Profile screen by going to More > Loyalty.

Figure E

Login screen with system time and information buttons.