
Coupons & Discounts

Coupons and Discounts can be added to sales. Discounts can be automatic, based on conditions like Category or Manufacturer. Coupons can be added to sales orders by scanning a SKU, or manually adding a coupon to the sale. Coupons and Discounts reduce the total price charged. You can also track usage of various Discounts and Coupons with reports.


Coupons can be added to a sale, which will then discount items based on the Coupon's conditions. For example, you can add a coupon that only provides discounts to certain products in a Category, or Manufacturer. You can also choose to provide a total discount on every item. Coupons can be attached to a SKU, allowing you to scan coupons during check-out. Coupons should always be added at the very end of the Sale process; after all items have been inputted into the Sale.


Adding A New Coupon
  1. Navigate to the Back Office area
  2. On the left menu, click on "Inventory", then click on "Coupons" (see Figure A).
  3. Click on button labelled "New Coupon".
  4. Fill out the Coupon details and click "Save Changes" (see Figure B).
Figure A

Create or modify Coupons in the Back Office.

Figure B

Fill out the New Coupon details and click Save Changes when complete.


Discounts can be given automatically during the check-out process. Discounts can be given certain conditions before applying a discount. For example, you can add a automatic discount based on Category, Manufacturer, and Quantities.


Adding A New Discount
  1. Navigate to the Back Office area
  2. On the left menu, click on "Inventory", then click on "Discounts" (see Figure C).
  3. Click on button labelled "Create Discount".
  4. Complete the Discount details and click "Save Changes" (see Figure D).
Figure C

Create or modify Discounts in the Back Office area

Figure D

Fill out the New Discount details and click Save Changes when complete.