
Creating A Security Group

Security Groups allow you to restrict certain areas of your Point Of Sale system. For example, you can create a security group that allows users to run reports but not create new invoices. Security Groups can be configured in eQuate POS Back Office. Once a Security Group is created, users can then be assigned to the new security group by editing the user profile in the Back Office.


Creating A Security Group
  1. Navigate to the Back Office area
  2. On the left menu, click on "Settings", then click "System", then "Security Groups".
  3. Click on "Create Security Group" (see Figure A).
  4. Enter the details of the security group. Select which areas you would like this group to have access to (see Figure B below).
  5. Press "Save Changes" to finalize changes made.
  6. The terminal must synchronize before the changes are discovered.
Figure A

From the Back Office, create a new Security Group by clicking "Create Security Group".

Figure B

Select the relavent areas you would like the users assigned in this group to access. Any areas that are not selected, the user will not have access to.