
Tickets & Workgroups

Tickets can be created to allow you to track and address various business issues. You can open, close and hold tickets. Tickets can also be given a severity, such as Low, or High; depending on your requirement for that specific ticket. 


Adding A New Ticket
  1. Navigate to the eQuate Back Office
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Tools", then click "Tickets".
  3. On the top button menu select "Create Ticket" (see Figure A).
  4. Add the details of the ticket and click "Save Changes" when you are complete (see Figure B).
Modifying An Existing Ticket
  1. Navigate to the eQuate Back Office
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Tools", then click "Tickets".
  3. Select "Action" and "Edit" on the row of the ticket you want to edit.
  4. Click "Save Changes" (see Figure B) when you are done modifying the ticket.


Tickets can be changed to various statuses. Statuses allow you to manage your workflow.


  • Open
    Open tickets are the default status when creating a new ticket. An open ticket indicates the ticket is not complete. 
  • Held
    A held status indicated the ticket has been acknowledged, but not yet resolved.
  • Closed
    A closed ticket is the final status a ticket enters. It indicates that the ticket is complete and no further action is required.


Closing A Ticket
  1. Navigate to the eQuate Back Office
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Tools", then click "Tickets".
  3. Select "Action" and "Edit" on the row of the ticket you want to close.
  4. Click on the classification sub-menu, and change the Status of the ticket to Closed.
  5. Click "Save Changes" (see Figure B).
Figure A

Adding a new ticket in the Back Office area.

Figure B

After modifying the ticket, click "Save Changes".


Workgroups can provide you a way of working as a team. You can assign tickets to workgroups, and all of the users in the workgroup can work on the assigned ticket. Workgroups can also be a good way of collaborating with various tasks, such as Projects & Tasks. You can assign various users to workgroups.


Adding A New Workgroup
  1. Navigate to the eQuate Back Office
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Settings", select "System", then click "Workgroups".
  3. On the top button menu select "Create Workgroup" (see Figure C).
  4. Enter the information about the workgroup, and the employees you want to add to it.
  5. Click "Save Changes" (see Figure D).
Modifying An Existing Workgroup
  1. Navigate to the eQuate Back Office
  2. On the left navigation bar, click "Settings", select "System", then click "Workgroups".
  3. Find the Warehouse you would like to edit.
  4. Select "Action" and "Edit" on the row of the workgroup you want to edit.
  5. Click "Save Changes" (see Figure D).
Figure C

Create a new workgroup in the Workgroup section of the Back Office.

Figure D

Click "Save Changes" when done adding or modifying the workgroup.